
Showing posts from December, 2019

Release: Q-Costume v1.4.1

Q-Costume ver1.4.1 has been released. Mesh Builder / Skinned Mesh Builder - Vertex normal recalculation is now faster. Swing Bone - Fixed a bug that position limit axis was not calculated correctly. Unity Asset Store :

Release: Q-Costume v1.4.0

Q-Costume ver1.4.0 has been released. MeshBuilder/SkinnedMeshBuilder - Vertex normal recalculation option (Recalc Normal property) has been added.   When meshes are combined, vertex normals are recalculated for each vertex that is shared (position, uv, color flags specified). - Fixed bug where meshes were missing when undo/redo in the editor. SwingBone - Added the option to blend shapes when swinging. - Added default axis type and removed fixed axis type. - You can now select and edit multiple items in the Inspector. - Fixed a bug where initially rotated bones were not calculated correctly. - Fixed a bug where the limit 0 and margin not 0 bones were not scaled. Unity Asset Store :

Release: Q-Costume v1.3.0

Q-Costume ver1.3.0 has been released. - Extra.SwingBone component has been added.   This is an extended version of the demo TinySwingBone, which can be moved, scaled and limited. - TinySwingBone is deprecated. - The demo prefab using TinySwingBone has been replaced with Extra.SwingBone. - DEMO script namespace has been integrated into QCostume.DEMO. Unity Asset Store :